Panch Pokhari Trek

Trip code
Package name Panch Pokhari Trek
Duration 16
Max. elevation 4100 m
Transportation Grounded vehicals depending on group size.
Accomodation Camping / Tented twin sharing bed basis during the Trek.
Starts at Kathmandu/Chautara
Ends at Sundarijal/Kathmandu
Trip route kathmandu - Chautara - Syaule - Kami Kharka - Chyocho Danda - Hile Bhanjyang - Nasempati - Panch Pokhari - Gai Kharka - Yangri - Loghang Gomba - Tarkyagang - Melamchi Gaun - Tarepati - Kutungsang - Chisapani - Sindarijal - Kathmandu .
Cost USD 2,260 per person



Panch Pokhari trek offers pristine mountain views, rich culture, genuine adventure and five small lakes at the same place. The place is located at the base of Jugal Himal. This area offers a combination of rich cultural heritage, unsurpassed beauty and biological diversity as you trek to a group of high altitude holy lakes, sacred to both Buddhist and Hindu people.

Panch Pokhari which stands out for “Five lakes” in Nepali is an easy to moderate level of trekking. This area is a lush region to the North of Kathmandu inhabited by Sherpas and Tamang people although the Sherpas of this region differ in their practices from their cousins in the Everest region. The unusual climatic and geographical mix makes this area a naturalist’s dream and a Mecca for those who appreciate traditional cultures. Agriculture & horticulture are the main occupation of the people living in this area. Potato is the main cash crops of higher productivity in this place & has a good market even in Kathmandu valley. Local people collect various medical herbs for trading. Panch Pokhari, a secluded pilgrimage site where the Janai Purnima festival is held in August. Many Hindu and Buddhist pilgrimages visit this site each year. Apart from the religious point of view Panch Pokhari region is also popular for the spectacular view of the chain of peaks called Jugal Himal that includes Dorje Lakpa (6,966m.), Madiya (6,257m.) and Phurbi Chhyachu 6,637m. This Panch Pokhari trek is a combined package of rich cultural heritage, exceptional beauty of biological diversity, towering mountain peaks, huge glaciers and high altitude holy lakes sacred to both Buddhist and Hindu people of Nepal.

The trek is easily accessible from Kathmandu. Trekkers first travel to Chautara (1450 m), five hours northeast of Kathmandu towards the Tibetan border. From Chautara our trekking trail ascend uphill through several small villages and rhododendron forests to Syaule. The place offers the spectacular and close-up view of the towering glaciated mountains from this place our trail passes through several dense rhododendron and pine forests, inhibited with diverse wildlife to reach Kami Kharka. Here we can observe breathtaking view of Mt. Langtang Lirung, Dorje Lakpa and some other small peaks. Passing via Straight path from Kami Kharka to Pauwa Bas trail ascend a steep hill up to Hile Bhanjyang. The trail then passes through rocky hills and rhododendron forests to Nasem Pati and rest in a small rest house built for pilgrims. From the place we continue ascending up a steep and rocky hill to reach Panch Pokhari 4300m. Panch Pokhari is a combination of five holy ponds hence named as Panch Pokhari which literally means five ponds in Nepali. This place also has two pilgrim houses and a temple of Lord Shiva. The top of Panch Pokhari offers an excellent view of Jugal Himal Range, Rolwaling Range, Gosainkunda, Kanchenjunga and Makalu. After exploring the vicinity of the lake we then descend from to Panch Pokhari to Gai Kharka, Yangri, Laghang Gompa, Tarkeghyang, Melamchi Gaon, Tharepati, Kutumsang, Chisapani and finally to Sundarijal. The trek finishes in Sundarijal an hour’s drive from our hotel in Kathmandu. The trail passes through some beautiful forests and very interesting villages on route where many of the customs practiced centuries ago are still in evidence today. This is a very spectacular and spiritual trek.

Trip Itinerary

Day 1 : Drive Kathmandu / Chautara (1450 m) – 5 hrs drive and trek to Syaule (1418 m) – approx 2 hrs walk

Embarking our journey from Kathmandu, we drive towards north along the Araniko highway. The drive is beautiful and pleasant passing through many villages, farming terraces, Bhote Koshi River with fabulous mountains views. Mountains like: Gaurishanker and Dorje Lakpa will be peeking at you in some places on the way. After about five hours of drive, you will reach Chautara. Chautara is the Headquarter of Sindhupalchok district where you can see a police post and a large clinic operated by Save the Children, UK. It is a small village with mixed settlement. Further, we walk for about 2 hours to reach Syaule, the destination of the day. We ascend through pleasant hill and upon arrival, make arrangement for camping overnight. From our camp site we can relax and enjoy the stunning mountain views or you can gain some insight into the culture and daily life of the village.

Day 2 : Trek Syaule / Kami Kharka Danda (2300 m) – approx 6 hrs walk

On the second day of our trek, we have a delicious breakfast on Syaule village and then head towards Okrin Danda (2300 m). The walk is a bit steep through lush green rhododendron, oak and pine forest, natural vegetation.  During your walk, you might get a chance to observe some wild animals like deer, langur, monkeys and various kinds of birds including Danfe (National bird of Nepal). Continuing our walk further from Okrin Danda, we can see an unusual double Mani wall where there are fine camp sites. If you are travelling during spring then there is no water since there may be water only in the autumn, so we better fill up our water bottles before trekking further. From this point the route ascends steeply through forests full of woodcutters to the ridge crest. The next water supply is 30 minutes walk down the western slopes of the ridge. We have to walk mostly up hills till Kami Kharka. From Kami Kharka, you can have a breathtaking view of Mt. Langtang Lirung, Dorje Lakpa, Jugal Himal and some small peaks. Tonight we will camp on a summer pasture ground surrounded by forest.

Day 3 : Trek Kami Kharka Danda / Chyochyo Danda (3160 m) – approx 5 hrs walk

Wake up early to view the beautiful sunrise from Kami Kharka Danda. From Kami Karkha Danda the route continues through an oak and rhododendron forest with magnificent views and reaches the western slopes of Chyochyo Danda. Water is scarce for much of the way. The trail follows the ridge crest, rising to a large chorten at 3160m, then traverses pasture across the western slopes of Chyochyo Danda where there are many summer pasture shelters. After another descent the trail passes a ruined stone house and a well used camp site with a good spring a short distance down the western slope. This is the first free water on the ridge and the site is an excellent one in pleasant forest. Upon arrival, explore around the hill and prepare to camp overnight.

Day 4 : Trek Chyochyo Danda / Hile Bhanjyang (3800 m) – approx 6 hrs walk

On the following day, we have to ascend on a steep hill steadily. After walking through the grassy pastures and crossing the ridge, our walk stretches further ascends up to three hours. Then the route descends through forest, crossing gullies with water to reach another crest at Chang Samarpu (3913m.). En route, you will pass through Bamboo forest, Pine forest, Oak forest, Rhododendron forest and other alpine forest along with some beautiful mountain views. The final descent to Hile Bhanjyang is steep which lasts about one and half hour. In spring this can be in deep Snow with difficult icy section in the gullies. At Hile bhanjyang there is a campsite with water at 3800m. From Hile Bhanjyang we can see fascinating views of Waterfall, Rivers & village at a far distance. We stay overnight at camp.

Day 5 : Trek Hile Bhanjyang / Nasem Pati (3862m) – approx 5 hrs walk

Continuing our ascend steeply to a hillock at 3980 meter and then transverses open ground along a flagstone trail to another crest. You will have to pass through rocky hills and rhododendron forests. The views are wonderful in clear weather. There is a small stone house above Nasem Pati built for pilgrims and well trodden trails that lead off the ridge crest to both east and west. There is no running water here also in the spring. We have to walk up hill until we reach Nasem Pati. On the way you can see the forests with views of Jugal Himal Range, Gaurishanker Himal, Mountain deer & Danfe. Upon arrival at Nasem Pati, start preparing for camping overnight.

Day 6 : Trek Nasem Pati / Panch Pokhari (4100 m) – approx 5 hrs walk

Today, you will be trekking towards Panch Pokhari, the main attraction of our whole trek. On the first part of the trail, you have to gradually ascend three hours through rocky hills. Then you will walk through a well-defined trail for about two hours before reaching Panch Pokhari. En route you will pass through alpine vegetation, Rocky Mountains, wildlife, etc. Panch Pokhari offers excellent view of Jugal Himal Range, Rolwaling range, Gosainkunda etc. Apart from lakes, this place is also famous for two pilgrim houses and a temple of Lord Shiva.

Day 7 : Excursion of the Panch Pokhari Lake

Today is an awesome day for strolling around the place. The name Panch Pokhari stands for “Five Lake” where ‘Panch means five and Pokhari means Lake’. You can see five small lakes in this place. On this day, you can walk up to the hill to see the beautiful sunrise. From the top, you can also observe Mt. Dorje Lakpa, Jugal Himal range followed by other many peaks. There are two metal-roofed huts, a sheet metal-enclosed shrine to Shiva and a pile of cast-ironed tridents. This stunning setting is a secluded pilgrimage site where the Janai Purnima festival is held in August. Many Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims visit this site each year. You should not wash in the holy stream near the temples. There is often snow on this ridge, making the trek more difficult.

Day 8 : Trek Panch Pokhari / Gai Kharka (2200 m) – approx 6 hrs walk

Leaving Panch Pokhari, we retrace our footsteps back to Nasem Pati. The trail is pleasant enough descending towards west. You can see several ravines with water but there are no places for camping until you reach Gai Kharka.  You will have to pass through forest too. Upon arrival at Gai Kharka, prepare for camping overnight.

Day 9 : Trek Gai Kharka / Yangri (1360 m) – approx 5 hrs walk

From Gai Kharka, the trail descends through the forest crossing two major watercourses.  The trail is sometimes steep and rough but is not so stressful. On the way, we pass through few substantial villages, alpine vegetation along with glorious mountain views. Then we gradually descend down a small but very steep trail directly to the bridge over the Panch Pokhari Khola.  Then climbing to Hutanbrang, we again descend and follow the Larke Khola downstream to the first of the two bridges below Yangri village. This place is an ideal place for camping over night. Today, we camp at an altitude of 1360 meters on the east bank.

Day 10 : Trek Yangri / Laghang Gompa (2800 m) – approx 8 hrs walk

After having breakfast at Yangri village, we continue our trek towards Laghang Gompa today. We walk through several villages and pass through pleasant forest. On the way, you have to cross suspension bridges over the Larke and Yangri Khola. The climb rapidly moves to the west and north. There are lateral trails everywhere. At the South-west of Dalegaon there is a beautiful lunch or camping site with fine water and big shade trees. The trail continues, often steeply, up through country dotted with villages and fields, scrub hillside and pleasant forest. The large village between Dalegaon and Gang Kharka is called Gangdwang. From Gang Kharka a large trail leads into the next side the valley, where camping is possible, then the trail climbs relentlessly for 900 meter to Laghang Gompa. Laghang Gompa is a beautiful forested area and a lovely, quiet campsite at an elevation of 2800m. We will camp overnight at this place.

Day 11 : Trek Laghang Gompa / Tarkeghyang (2560 m) – approx 3 hrs walk

The trail is too short today in comparison to the other trekking days. We just have to walk for about three hours in order to reach Tarkeghyang from Laghang Gompa. We have to ascend through beautiful forest, and then enter an area of small pastures, stone houses, scrub growth and cow trails. Don’t get confused with the trail that leads you to Sermathang, if you are walking without guide. In that case, be sure to backtrack if you find yourself headed south on the ridge trail to Sermathang. The trail down to Tarke Gyang is very steep, rough and eroded. Upon arrival at Tarkeghyang, explore around the valley and prepare for camping overnight.

Day 12 : Trek Tarkeghyang / Melamchi Gaon (2530 m) – approx 4 hrs walk

Today, we will leave Tarkeghyang and then descend down to Melamchi Gaon via Indrawati River. On the way, we pass through different villages and farming terraces. We can also see a hydro electricity project on the way to Tipani and our re-introduction to a road! Melamchi Pool Bazaar which lies at the bank of Melamchi Khola (stream) and Indrawati River is comparatively a big town for this area. It is a beautiful village with the settlement of various indigenous groups of people. You can explore around the village and get chance to communicate with the local people, observe their life style and many more. There are some lodges, tea shops, government offices, schools, colleges, post office and army police camp. We will camp overnight at this pleasant village.

Day 13 : Trek Melamchi Gaon / Tharepati (2470 m) – approx 5 hrs walk

From Melamchi Gaon, we descend down through terraced fields along the Indrawati River. Today’s walk is mostly on the ridge with the views of east and west downhill. We pass through stunning villages. If you are trekking during the month of March and April, then you might get chance to see the beautiful Rhododendron blossom on your way. After crossing a stream, which is dry for part of the year, the trail will make a final ascent to Tharepati, a grouping of small stone huts used in the summer months by herders.

Day 14 : Trek Tharepati / Kutumsang (2190 m) – approx 7 hrs walk

We have to trek descending all the way and can have panoramic view of Mountains including Annapurna, Manaslu. If we are trekking in spring season, we will see the forest covered with Rhododendron.

Day 15 : Trek Kutumsang / Chisapani (2194m) – approx 6 hrs walk

From Kutumsang, in early morning we can see the sunrise over the snowcapped mountains. We would have breakfast served around. After breakfast, we start our trek to Chisapani (2194m). It takes about six hours to reach. Chisapani is another view point of sunrise and sunset. Besides, we would explore tribal culture and mountain lifestyle. We will camp overnight at Chisapani.

Day 16 : Trek Chisapani / Sundarijal – 3 hrs walk and drive to Kathmandu – 1 ½ hrs drive

Chisopani is one of the best places from where one can enjoy the super views of Himalayas, wonderful, Hills & sunrise/sunset views can be seen. We will see the Tamang Habitants and will follow the trail across the Mulkharka and Shivapuri National Park. Then drive Sundarijal to Kathmandu which takes approximately an hour to reach Kathmandu.


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