Tilman Pass Trek

Trip code
Package name Tilman Pass Trek
Duration 17
Max. elevation 5320 m
Transportation Kathmandu - Syapru besi , Chautara - Kathmandu by private vehicals.
Accomodation Hotel and lodge , Tent twin sharing bed basis during the Trekking .
Starts at Kathmandu/Syabrubesi
Ends at Chautara/Kathmandu
Trip route Kathmandu - Syabru Besi - Lama Hotel - Langtang - Kyanjin - Langshisa Kharka - Moriene Camp - Tilman Pass - Tilman Phedi - Panch Pokhari - Nasi pati - saddle Kharka - Okhrole - Chautara - Kathmandu.
Cost USD 2,850 per person



Tilman Pass trek is the best wilderness route of Nepal which leads you through ripe, golden-yellow, paddy fields with sub-tropical vegetation.  This trek is also famous for superb views of Himalayan like: Lang tang, Gaurishanker and Rolwaling Himalayan Range.

Tilman Pass Trekking is a part of Lang tang trek which is categorized in moderate to strenuous grade treks. This trek is a pioneer high altitude trek located in the upper Langtang region, close to the border of the Tibet and Nepal on elevation of 5,350 meters. Langtang Tilman pass trek take core of the Langtang Himalayan trails. This trek is the best wilderness route of Nepal for trekking which concludes remote and wild part of the Himalayas. It presents panoramic Himalayan views of Langtang and Lirung, Langtang Himal, Naya Khanga, Yala peak, Ganesh Himal, Langshisa, Gaurishanker, Dorje Lakpa with Himalayan pine forest. This area is also rich in flora and fauna like: Rhododendron flowers, Thar, Bears, Leopard, Jackal, Monkeys, wild peaks, wild boars, pheasant, peacock, etc. It is home of the blue sheep and the red panda. The Tilman Pass Trek affords one with the opportunity of different Himalayan views and the living style of high mountain rural people who share their culture, manner, religion with our experienced team leaders. This is also known as the Jugal Himal Trek or Panch Pokhari Trek – a set of five small lakes – ensconced in a vast boulder-strewn amphitheatre, where we encamp near the small temple of Vishnu, a site of Hindu pilgrimage. This is a non tourist trekking trail thus making it ideal for those trekkers who wanted to enjoy nature with silent manner in a remote area.

The trip starts with a scenic drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi which is one of the popular trekking trails of Langtang region and eventually trail passes with view of Langtang Himal 5160 meters. Then the trail leads through beautiful valley of Bamboo Lama Hotel, Langtang village Kyanjin Gompa. The trail continues through the Langtang Valley and the verdant gorge of the Langtang Khola. Through the trek Kyanjin Gompa have splendid panoramic view of Langtang Lirung Genjempol, Ganjala and Naya Khanga Himal ranges. The cheese factory and 400 years old Buddhist Monastery are other attraction of the trek. Tamang and Sherpa practicing age long religious culture, language, dress and life style as Tibetan people gives cultural and ethnic glimpse on you. Rhododendrons blend into moss-hung pine trees and you’ll encounter occasional yaks trundling down pastures on their way home. Keep an eye out for Blue Poppy flowers, families of playful langur monkeys and the iridescent Impeyan pheasant, the national bird of Nepal. Continuing your trek, you pass through Langshisa Kharka, Moraine Camp and finally to Tilman base camp via Tilman Pass. The pass is blocked by snow, so local inquiries about its condition, good equipment and mountaineering experience are necessary for safe crossing. The crossing of the pass is quite technical and involves the need of mountain equipment like ropes and crampons. Your efforts will be rewarded: the views from the pass are spectacular and you can see straight into Tibet. The descent from the pass takes you from gigantic glaciers to a very different world of alpine meadows and cheese factories. Finally, descending from Tilman Pass we trek down to Panch Pokhari, another highlight of this trek. We add an excursion day in Panch Pokhari and then pass through Nasem Pati, Bhanjyang, Pauwabas, Kharka, Okhreni, and finally to Chautara. Our trek ends at Chautara and then we drive back to Kathmandu.

Trip Itinerary

Day 1 : Drive Kathmandu / Syabrubesi (1450 m) – 8 hours drive

A scenic drive for 8 hours reaches Syabrubesi. We pass through the town of Kakani where there are great views of the Himalayas. For part of the way the road clings to the edge of a steep mountain. After reaching Dhunche, there is a police check post where we must show our entry permit for the Langtang National Park, which you’ll be trekking through. There are excellent views of Gheng (6581m) and Langtang Lirung (7246m) to the north and Ganesh (7460m) to the west from Dhunche. Traversing up and down after crossing a suspension bridge over the Langtang River, we reach Syabrubesi.

Day 2 : Trek Syabrubesi / Lama Hotel (2480 m.) – approx. 6 to 7 hrs walk

Today our trail continues down the ridge until we come to the east that drops sharply off the ridge and through a dense forest. Trail starts meandering through the cool deciduous forests of oak and maple that cover the lower sections of the valley and climbs through massive stands of spruce, fir and blue pine. Towering walls close in and our paths will skirt precipitous drops, which fall into a silt-laden river below. Cross a bridge (1960m) over a tributary of the Langtang Khola and then climbs up from the river and in an hour, shortly after the trail levels off, we join the old Langtang trail from Sherpa Gaon and Syabrubesi. Another hour from this trail junction brings us to the Lama Hotel in the tiny village of Chon gong.

Day 3 : Lama Hotel / Langtang village (3541 m.) – approx. 5 to 6 hrs walk

Today we start getting the first tantalizing glimpses of snow-capped peaks. From the Lama Hotel the trail climbs steadily to Ghora Tabela with glimpses of Langtang Lirung (7246m) through the trees. At Ghora Tabela the trail leaves the forest and a spectacular view of Langtang Lirung appears. Continuing up the valley, leaving the forests behind, the trail ascends steadily up to Langtang village, passing below a monastery about 30 min beforehand. Langtang is an interesting Tibetan-style village with stone- walls enclosing houses and fields where we just might see first yaks.

Day 4 : Langtang / Kyanjin Gompa (3900 m.) – approx. 3 hrs walk

Our trail ascends gradually to a chorten behind which is a very long Mani wall. The trail passes two small villages and the village widens. We cross some streams and a moraine before arriving at Kyanjin Gompa. Between Langtang and Kyanjin Gompa, the views just get better and better where we’ll see Yansa Tsenji (6580m) and Kim shun (6750m) to the north and the Langtang Himal to the northwest. Take a good rest and allow the body to acclimatize with the high altitude as much as possible to be fully prepared for more ascending during the next day.

Day 5 : Day hiking and back to Kyanjin Gompa

The trail further up the valley past the airstrip will provide more spectacular views that include Langtang Lirung (7246m), Ganchenpo (6400m), Langshisa Ri (6320m), Dorje Lakpa (6700m), Lenpo Gang (7100m), and Urkinmang (6170m). Four hours walk to the east of Kyanjin Gompa from the village is 5000m Tserko Ri. If we start early in the morning and are well-acclimatized, we should be able to climb this peak and return to Kyanjin Gompa in 1 long day. The reward for climbing to the prayer flags on its summit is a magnificent view of the 7246m Langtang Lirung, the mountain that dominates the valley. Several of the more moderate local peaks are quite climbable and provide breathtaking panoramic views of mountains in Tibet, including the 8027m Chisa Pangma.

Day 6 : Trek Kyanjin Gompa trek / Langshisa Kharka (4100m) – approx 6 hrs walk

On this day, you have to make an early trek since the trail you will be trekking today is quite dangerous as the rock fall occurs throughout the day. So, if you set out early then the terrain will be frozen which causes less danger of rock fall. This is a non tourist area so you won’t see many tourists while trekking in this area but today you will get an adventurous experience. The terrain is snowy, icy, and rocky with loose soil. The slope has some nasty patches of hidden ice which will require cutting steps. Follow the glacial stream melt, up and down hills of rubble. After an hour or two the way gradually levels out, and you’ll reach the first vestiges of vegetation: prickly thorn bushes and pussy willows. The “trail” from here to Langshisa Kharka is basically just a series of tracks made by wandering yaks, and it’s easy to lose our way and get entangled in the prickly branches. Our basic direction is obvious, though, and the river below with its Kharka beyond keeps us going in roughly the right direction. Watch for stone cairns marking a way to the Kharka below. From the Kharka descend to the gravel marking the riverbed and prepare for the river crossing.  The river crossing is again completely dependent on conditions. If the river is running high and fast, consider roping up. Once across, go up the bank on the opposite side and we’ll be at the prominent Kharka, with several stone buildings and prayer flags. Langshisa Kharka is spectacular, and the surrounding mountains are constantly changing colors in the shifting light.

Day 7 : Trek Langshisa Kharka / Moraine Camp (4650 m) – approx 5 hrs walk

Today we have to walk for about five hours to reach Moraine camp from Langshisa Kharka. Moraine camp is situated at the height of 4650 meters above sea level. You can find a high alpine vegetation and pure nature here.

Day 8 : Trek Moraine camp / Tilman pass base camp via Tilman pass (5320 m) – approx 6 hrs walk

Leaving Moraine camp, we head steeply up towards Tilman Base Camp via Tilman Pass. The trail ascends through the rocky moraine making the most exciting and strenuous journey. We go up the grassy side of the moraine onto loose rocky ridges; up then down loose soil and sliding rocks onto the glacier, with its crud of boulders and small rocks that require careful balance and attention to footing. You may find it hard breathing while trekking through Tilman Pass as it is in an altitude of 5320 meters. Looking ahead you’ll see what the conditions of the pass are like. You might also need to fix a rope, harness, crampons, Jumar for crossing the pass. This is steep, but once level with the top of the icefall the rest of the way to the pass is over easy snow ridges. The pass is quite beautiful but there are no cairns, poles, or places to string a prayer flag. We are surrounded by snow peaks from east to west. Looking ahead, we see the terrain sloping steeply down to the valleys and peaks feeding into the river which runs east-west at the foot of Langtang. Sometimes, you might need to fix the ropes while descending too. After a quite descends, you will reach Tilman Base Camp, your camping destination for overnight. As the conditions of glaciers are always changing, so we can’t fix how far we have to go for camping overnight.

Day 9 : Trek Tilman base camp / Tinpokhari (Three lake) (3735m) – approx 5 hrs walk

After breakfast, we will begin our journey for today destination Tinpokhari (the three lakes) which is one of the major attractions of the Langtang Tilman Pass Trekking. We will walk by the larger flat, sandy areas and descend down the boulder-strewn snow slopes where the footing can be tricky. The walk is mostly downhill, going one mound of loose rock and ice in order to go down another. If you will be trekking during winter season then you will find Tin Pokhari to be completely snowbound. At Tin Pokhari you feel like you are nearing your goal of the pass. While you can still look back toward now-distant valleys, the Himalayan chain dominates the surroundings, the peaks stretching out before you less than a day’s hike ahead.  From here you’ll be able to see High Camp (South) and the pass above. We will camp overnight near Tin Pokhari.

Day 10 : Trek Tinpokhari to Panch Pokhari (five lake) (4123m) – approx 6 hrs walk

After breakfast, we will start today trip to tranquil Lake Panch Pokhari which is situated at 4123m elevation. The beauty here is incredible. En route you will pass through alpine vegetation, Rocky Mountains, wildlife, etc. Panch Pokhari offers excellent view of Jugal Himal Range, Rolwaling range, Gosainkunda etc. Apart from lakes, this place is also famous for two pilgrim houses and a temple of Lord Shiva. We will camp overnight at Panch Pokhari.

Day 11 : Excursion around Panch Pokhari

Today is an awesome day for strolling around the place. The name Panch Pokhari stands for “Five Lake” where ‘Panch means five and Pokhari means Lake’. You can see five small lakes in this place. On this day, you can walk up to the hill to see the beautiful sunrise. From the top, you can also observe Mt. Dorje Lakpa, Jugal Himal range followed by other many peaks. There are two metal-roofed huts, a sheet metal-enclosed shrine to Shiva and a pile of cast-ironed tridents. This stunning setting is a secluded pilgrimage site where the Janai Purnima festival is held in August. Many Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims visit this site each year. You should not wash in the holy stream near the temples. There is often snow on this ridge, making the trek more difficult.

Day 12 : Trek Panch Pokhari / Nasem Pati (3745m) – approx 4 hrs walk

The trail today is moderate walk leading a gradual descent through rocky hills to reach Nasem Pati. On the first part of the trail, you will walk through a well-defined trail for about two hours and then gradually ascend three hours through rocky trail.  En route you will pass through alpine vegetation, Rocky Mountains, wildlife, etc. Panch Pokhari offers excellent view of Jugal Himal Range, Rolwaling range, Gosainkunda etc. Upon arrival at Nasem Pati, you could take some rest and then enjoy mountains view and surrounding nature beauties. We will camp overnight at Nasem Pati.

Day 13 : Trek Nasem Pati / Bhanjyang (3414m) – approx 5 hrs walk

Leaving Nasem Pati, we gradually ascend through rocky hills and rhododendron forest. The walk is quite easy and on the steep downhill section at the final day. It takes about 5/6hours to reach Bhanjyang from Nasem Pati. Upon arrival at Bhanjyang, you can explore around the place and gain some insight into the culture and daily life of village. From the campsite today, you can enjoy the stunning mountain views.

Day 14 : Trek Bhanjyang / saddle Kharka (3324 m) – approx 7 hrs walk

After an early breakfast, we leave Bhanjyang and move ahead towards saddle kharka. The trail ascends through the forest along with some mountainous views. You will have to pass through rocky hills and rhododendron forests. The views are wonderful in clear weather. On the way you can see the forests with views of Jugal Himal Range, Gaurishanker Himal, Mountain deer & Danfe. Continuing our walk further, we descend on a steep trail before reaching Pauwabas. You can find a shelter in Pauwabas which is used by the Pilgrims who are trekking to Panch Pokhari. We will camp overnight at saddle Kharka.

Day 15 : Trek saddle Kharka trek / Okhreni (2043 m) – approx 6 hrs walk

The trail from here we get into solve descend through stunning, dense Rhododendron and pine forest. And then gently walk downhill to the Okhreni. If we are lucky and observant, we might spot some wild animals such as mountain deer or langur monkeys and Nepali birdlife like the Danfe. We spend overnight here with regular activities. We camp at Sano Okhareni near a pine forest and with great views to the mountains.

Day 16 : Trek Okhreni / Chautara (1235 m) – approx 5 hrs walk

Today is our last trekking day in beautiful land with different vegetation and people live hood. About 5/6 hours of gradual downhill walking we get in Chautara. The trail goes through small villages where we can see how the diverse ethnic groups live side by side. We set our camp near by Chautara bazaar. We will celebrate trekking last night with Nepalese drum and popular flock song.

Day 17 : Drive Chautara to Kathmandu (1350 m) – approx 6 hrs walk

This morning we have a beautiful drive to Kathmandu. We get here by 2 o’ clock and then we go to Hotel for the rest. We will drive back to Kathmandu through the road passing terraces, streams, rivers, local settlements, high hills and along the river side. It takes about 4 to 5 hours (conditional) to reach your hotel in Kathmandu by bus/ private car.


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