Nature Trail

Majestic Kanchenjunga Trekking - 24 days

Group discount
US $ 3,250
US $ 2,780
Save 14%
US $ 470
  • Best price guaranteed
  • No booking fees
  • Earn US$ 0 in travel credits.
Max. Elevation
Group size
2 min - 14 max
Trip grade
Both way Domestic flight & Private vehicals. 
Best Season
Sept – Dec, March – May
Hotel and Lodge twin sharing bed basis during the Trekking.
All meals ( Lunch , Dinner and Breakfast) during the Trekking.
Starts at
Ends at


    • Magnificent views of Mt. Kanchenjunga 8586m.
    • The beautiful remote villages in the Kanchenjunga region.
    • Exploration of both Kanchenjunga Base Camps.
    • Experience of walking over the glaciers.
    • Pristine Rhododendron forest and the high alpine passes.
    • The settlements of Tibetan refugees on the Kanchenjunga Trekking Routes.
    • Wildlife species in Kanchenjunga region like musk deer, snow leopard, blue sheep etc.
Kanchenjunga “The Third Highest Mountain” in the world offers you the panoramic view which is worth visiting once in a life time. The trek is the most inaccessible and formidable trek of the entire Himalayas. You require a great excursion while trekking in this region since the trek is long enough and often an arduous one.

Kanchenjunga (8598 m) is the third highest mountain in the world. It straddles the border with Sikkim in the remote North East region of Nepal. Kanchenjunga’s proximity deters all but the most avid mountain enthusiasts. It lies in a sensitive restricted area astride the Nepal/ Sikkim border, only a few miles from Tibet. This has been described by many people as the finest trekking route in Nepal. It is a long trek going deep into the remote mountain ranges on Nepal’s border with Sikkim and Tibet. The trail explores the area around. You will see a wide range of scenery from lush, tropical jungle through to rhododendron, chestnut and oak forests and then at higher altitudes into the alpine zone. You will see a range of Nepalese culture and life-style from Rai and Limbus to Tibetan Buddhist villages.

The Kanchenjunga trekking region arguably offers some of the grandest mountain vistas of the Himalaya. The journey starts with a trek over the Mahabharat Lekh range with majestic views of both the Mt Everest and Kanchenjunga massifs with the Arun Valley between them. We trek through richly cultivated hillsides, Rhododendron forests and yak pastures that lye below the glacier. The return route heading west passes through some delightful villages of Taplejung. The panoramic views of Everest, Makalu and Kanchenjunga are magnificent on our descent to the road head. The journey takes you through scattered settlements of thatched farmhouses with colourful flower gardens, wild coniferous woodland and on to remote Buddhist settlements where people scratch a living from the barren land. The climax of this trek in both altitude and scenic splendour are simply overwhelming. The route starts by approaching the north side of Kanchenjunga where you see views of Tent peak, Nepal peak, Cross peak and then at Base Camp Kanchenjunga itself becomes visible. From Pangpema the trek returns to Ghunsa and then crosses the Mirgin La pass over to the south side of Kanchenjunga. Once over this pass we visit the yak pastures of Ramche and Oktang where there are impressive views of the south west face of Kanchenjunga.

Situated in a remote region far from the bustling cities, the trek begins with a scenic flight to the far east of Nepal. We then have a short drive through beautiful scenery to our trek starting point and begin a journey northward through the lush foothills. Because this is a remote and restricted area requiring special permits, it isn’t likely that we will see many other trekkers in this region and often we have the pristine trails to ourselves. The Kanchenjunga Trek is a camping tour as facilities in the region are not capable of supporting a teahouse or lodge to lodge trek. We will have a crew of porters to carry all supplies, including a dining tent, tables, chairs, bathroom tent and personal, comfortable sleeping tent. Our cook will provide quality meals and the evening around the camp will be a cozy time recollecting the wonders of the days journey and spectacular surroundings over a good meal and warm drink.

Trip Itinerary

Early in the morning, we take a flight to Bhadrapur and then drive to kanyam Illam. Overnight in Illam


Max. altitude

1,627m / 5,338 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Today, we drive early in the morning passing through tea and cardamom plantations. Enroute we stop at the top of a pass where we get our first magnificent views of Mount Kanchenjunga and Mount Jannu from the far distance. Continuing our drive we reach Taplejung. After having lunch, we start the trek by making a steep descent to the Tamur River to reach the village of Mitlung. For the next couple of days, the path is often wet, muddy and slippery so two trekking poles are definitely required. Overnight on camp.


Max. altitude

921m / 3,022 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

On the third day, the trail descends to the Tamur River passing several villages. This is a fertile area with a range of crops including rice, millet, potatoes and vegetables. There is a descent to a wooden bridge crossing the Thiwa Khola, then some more ups and downs before arriving at Chirwa. The village of Chirwa has a market, a few lodges and some shops. Overnight camping


Max. altitude

1,270m / 4,167 ft.


Hotel / Lodge

On the fourth day, the trail follows the Tamur River along the valley floor and after a couple of hours we arrive to Taplechok (1380m) where our trekking permit will be checked at the park gate. From Taplechok, we cross a suspension bridge over the river to walk on the west bank along a path where cardamom can be seen growing among the forest. Cardamon is an important cash crop especially prevalent in the middle hills of east Nepal. We will have lunch at a lodge in Phembu then the trail starts to ascend above Tamur River to Lelep at (1750m). We then descend to cross a suspension bridge over Tamur river to enter the more narrow Ghunsa Khola Valley and then on to our destination at Sekathum. This is a Tibetan village and from here we get the first views of the high Himalaya where Jannu is visible on a clear day up the Ghunsa valley.


Max. altitude

1,660m / 5,446 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

After crossing the suspension bridge over Ghunsa River at Sekathum camp we follow the path through dense forest. The trail is steep and narrow. We have our lunch at one of the basic lodges in Solima. After lunch we continue a switchback trail up through trees reaching Amjilossa high above the gorge. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

2,510m / 8,235 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Today, we have a short ascend from Gyabla through lush bamboo, oak and rhododendron forests to cross a small ridge. Then we descend towards Ghunsa Khola at a place called Thyanyani (2,400m) where there are several stone shelters. The trail makes several short climbs and descents before passing a large waterfall and a final steep climb to Gyabla. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

2,730m / 8,957 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

On the seventh day, we have and easier path for most of the way to Phole since the valley opens out. The climate will start getting cooler today as we climb above 3,000m. At the same time the vegetation changes and we will see more rhododendrons and azaleas. Before arriving to Phole, we pass through the winter village for Ghunsa in a wide plateau. At Phole village, it is worth having a look at the monastery and exploring the village where at some houses we can see the ladies weaving carpets. From Phole it takes a further 1 ½ hours to reach the larger village of Ghunsa. This is a picturesque Tibetan village with wooden houses covered in colourful prayer flags. There are several lodges and shops in the village and a small Kanchenjunga Conservation Area office along with a couple of Gompa. We will camp in the garden of one of the lodges however will use their dining room for meals. There are hot showers available in the lodge and also a small shop. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

3,595m / 11,795 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Today an acclimatisation walk will be organised along the route to Lobsang La. This is a good option as the trail gains height to 4,000m in about 3 hours from camp and 2 hours to return to Ghunsa. This will be a good walk for acclimatising purposes by following the rule “climbing high and sleeping low”. This will help our body adjust to gain the altitude and help us adapt over the next three days as we travel up to the north side Kanchenjunga Base Camp. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

3,595m / 11,795 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

The trail makes a gradual ascent through pine and rhododendron forests along the east bank of the Ghunsa Khola passing several mani walls and chortens along the way. After three hours of walk, we cross a bridge over Ghunsa Khola and will have lunch in a grassy area called Rampuk Kharka (3,720m). Today as we gain altitude the mountain scenery becomes ever more spectacular and higher up before the landslide area the dramatic north face of Jannu is visible. Be careful when crossing this landslide as there is a risk of rock fall from above. The trail contours the hillside then descends to Khambachen. Khambachen is a Tibetan settlement with about a dozen houses nestled in a grassy plain with mountains all around. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

4,050m / 13,287 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

We will be spending two nights at Khambachen in order to help us in acclimatisation before moving further up over 750m in altitude to Lhonak. We recommend you to join a short walk organised by our guides and then spend the rest of the day resting and relaxing around the camp. The walk up Nupchu Khola from Khambachen is well worth doing for the impressive views of Mount Jannu. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

4,110m / 13,484 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

On the eleventh day, the trail contours through azalea and rhododendron along a lateral moraine passing through a seasonal yak herder’s camp at Ramtang (4,370m). After an hour or so the trail becomes rockier and we pass under a landslide area. Like for the landslide before Khambachen it is best to keep moving at a steady pace and to keep alert for any rock fall. We then climb through open rocky fields and then cross moraines North West of the Kanchenjunga Glacier to Lhonak. The campsite at Lhonak is near several large stone huts and has incredible views of Wedge Peak (6,750m), Mera (6,344m), Nepal Peak (6,910m), Twins (7,351m) among others. We cannot see the main peak of Kanchenjunga from Lhonak so for this view tomorrow we will walk up to Pangpema. Overnight at camping


Max. altitude

4,785m / 15,699 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

We have an ascending trail along the lateral moraine from Kanchenjunga Glacier for about two hours. After passing through several sections of loose rock and landslide area the trail climbs less steeply to reach the stone huts in a grassy area at Pangpema in a further two hours. The view of the vast north face of Kanchenjunga from Pangpema is very impressive. After having lunch while enjoying the mountain vista we start the return walk back to Lhonak which takes about 3 hours. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

5,143m / 16,873 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

We will be following our footsteps back to the Ghunsa village on the same trail. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

3,595m / 11,795 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Today, we will be having a rest day after a tough days at altitude and a long walk from Lhonak in the previous day. In the morning we can do some washing and have a chance to sort out our bags as well as recharge batteries in the lodge. We can also explore the village as it is well worth visiting the school and the Gompa across the bridge. Overnight at camping


Max. altitude

3,595m / 11,795 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

On the fifteenth day, our trail follows a steep rocky ways through the forest then along a ridge with a short, steep section to Sele La pass at 4,290m. The views are fantastic and we can clearly see High Camp which is about half an hour further walk from the pass. High Camp is well positioned in sheltered spot with a couple wooden lodges and a small lake. From here we can see Mount Makalu in the far distance. Overnight at camping


Max. altitude

4,100m / 13,451 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Today, we have to wake up early in the morning to start our trek since the trek is a way long to Tseram. From High Camp we follow a good trail as it ascends to our first pass Sinion La at 4,440m. From here the trail contours the hillside and a short steep climb brings us to Mirgin La Pass at 4,480m. The trail then descends briefly before contouring round before a final short steep climb brings you to the top of Sinelapche La Pass at 4,840m. From the top of every pass we will be rewarded with magnificent views. From the last pass there is a 1,000m descent on a trail past a small lake to Tseram which is a small settlement located above the Simbua Khola. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

4,663m / 15,299 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Today we pass the snout of the Yalung glacier into an ablation valley. All the peaks to the east straddle the India-Nepal border- Koktang (6,147m), Rathong (6,679m) and some of the Kabrus which are all over 7,000m. There is a lake and a meadow along with two stone houses at Ramche and often blue sheep can often be seen on the grassy slopes above. In the afternoon we follow the ablation valley to Oktang, the whole cirque is above 7,500m and the three main summits all over 8,400m can be seen. The climbing route to the summit of Kanchenjunga, first climbed by Joe Brown and George Band in 1953 can be seen from Oktang. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

4,730m / 15,518 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

The trail descends following close to the river and through rhododendron forest to Tortong where we camp for the night. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

3,000m / 9,843 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

From Tortong it’s about 3 hours and 1000m to ascend. The trail climbs steeply through mossy forest and pass the huge landslide that happened in 2013 to the pass at Lamite Bhanjang for lunch. After lunch the trail descends quite steeply on a good path for about 2 hours before crossing Imja Khola. The trail then contours round the hillside and crosses the Dubi pass before descending to Yamphudin. This village has a mixed community of Sherpas, Rais, Limbus and Gurungs and there is also the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area office. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

2,080m / 6,824 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

On this day, we descend through the lovely village of Yamphudin to the Kabeli Khola where we cross on a long bridge and then descend to Mamankhe. From here the trail enters a side canyon and crosses a stream on a long suspension bridge before climbing steeply to Pumphe village. From camp we can see the glorious view of Mount Jannu. Overnight camping


Max. altitude

1,900m / 6,234 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

The trail climbs to the two tea shops on the ridge above, then begins a traverse through a series of valleys passing through several villages. The trail continues through Bhanjyang and traverses a ridge to descend to the Limbu village of Khunjari. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

1,928m / 6,325 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Today is our last day of trek. The trail descends to the Pha Khola and climbs steeply through Pokhara and Shimu villages to Thenbewa. It then continues through forest to Lali Kharka and on to a ridge from where it descends gradually to the airfield at Suketar. We have now completed an amazing journey around the Nepalese side of Kanchenjunga. Overnight at camp


Max. altitude

2,300m / 7,546 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Drive back to Bhadrapur. Overnight at hotel


Max. altitude

910m / 2,986 ft.




Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Fly Bhadrapur to Kathmandu. Upon arrival, transfer to hotel Overnight at hotel


Max. altitude

1,380m / 4,528 ft.




Elevation Chart
Not satisfied with this itinerary? Make your own.
Plan My Trip


    • Airport picks up and transports by private Car/Jeep.
    • Three meals a day (Breakfast, lunch, and dinner) during the trek.
    • Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Permit fees.
    • Trekking Lodge (Tea House) accommodation during the trek.
    • (Kathmandu - Bhadrapur - Kathmandu ) by domestic flight , (Bhadrapur - Suketar - Bhadrapur ) by private vehicals.
    • A highly experienced, helpful, knowledgeable, friendly, English speaking well trained, Government license holder guide with all his salary, food, drinks, accommodation, transport and insurance.
    • Strong, helpful Sherpa porters with proper safety equipment and walking equipment, his salary, food, accommodation, and insurance (one porter for two people).
    • Comprehensive medical supplies (first aid kit will be available).
    • Arrangement of emergency helicopter service (paid by your Travel Insurance Company).
    • Use of sleeping bag, down jacket, duffel bag, and walking poles (if you don’t have your own, to be returned after trip completed).
    • Government taxes and official expenses.
    • Oxygen meter to check your pulse and oxygen saturation and heart rate twice daily (Very useful to check Altitude Mountain Sickness(AMS) symptoms) which will ensure your health during the trek.
    • Assistant guide for groups of 5 or more people.

Doesn't Include

    • Nepal entry visa fee (easy to obtain the visa on arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport – Kathmandu). $25 USD for 15-day visa.
    • Personal travel and medical insurance.
    • Accomodation in Kathmandu.
    • International airfare.
    • Your personal expenses.
    • All the alcoholic and nonalcoholic cold and hot drinks on trek ( i.e. those you choose to purchase along the way and during evenings in the tea houses)
    • Hot shower and battery charging at the tea houses.
    • Tips for the guide, porter, and driver (tipping is expected)
    • Any other services/expenses not mentioned above as included.
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  • Earn US$ 25+ in travel credits.
  • Excellent customer service. Our travel experts are ready to help you 24/7.
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  • No credit card or booking fees.
  • 100% financial protection. 
  • Carbon neutral tours.
  • 500+ trip reviews, with an average rating of 4.8 out of 5

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