Nature Trail

Mera Peak and Amphu Labcha Pass - 22 days

Group discount
US $ 3,700
US $ 3,550
Save 4%
US $ 150
  • Best price guaranteed
  • No booking fees
  • Earn US$ 0 in travel credits.
Max. Elevation
Group size
1 - 14 Max
Trip grade
Domestic flight (Kathmandu - Lukla - kathmandu)
Best Season
Sept – Dec, March – May
Lodge + Camping twin sharing bed basis during the Trek
All Meals ( Lunch, Dinner and Breakfast) with cup of Hot drinks during the Trek
Starts at
Ends at


    • One of the most tempting Trekking Peaks of Nepal
    • Culturally charming journey leading through obscure beautiful villages and forests
    • From the top, you’ll eye witness five of the six highest mountains on Earth
    • The climb of Mera comes at the end of a week - long trekking and acclimatization program designed to assist you the best chance of gratifying still rewarding journey
    • Spend a night at Mera Peak High Camp before your summit push
    • Well Set up Camps at  High camp
    • Trek and climb with our certifed and expereinced Sherpa Climbing Guide
    • Longer and remote route to Mera Peak
Mera peak is a mesmerizing adventure of a life time.  Nepal’s highest and popular trekking peak – Mera peak climbing via Arun Valley provides the Wonderful trekking and peak climbing experience on the lap of high Himalayan range with fascinating contrast to the high mountain scenery. The trek offers the scenery of the landscapes at various levels from the low sub-tropic Arun valley all the way to Mera peak area at Khumbu region.  The Mera Peak expedition with Arun valley covers the ample time exploring rural traditional villages and monasteries and in the hospitality of the local villagers.

Nepal’s highest trekking peak at (6,654 m/21,246 ft), an ascent of Mera Peak via a non-technical route offers fit trekkers the experience of summiting a Himalayan peak in a relatively short period of time and without prior mountaineering experience. Situated in the heart of the Himalayan ‘greats’, the summit of Mera Peak affords some of the best views of Everest, Lhotse, Makalu and Cho Oyu found anywhere in the Himalaya while the trek from Lukla to Mera base camp explores some of the remote and wild alpine areas of the Hinku valley, south of Mt. Everest.

The scenic flight takes you to Lukla from where our trail descends to the deep gorge of the beautiful Arun Valley. Arun is one of the famous rivers in eastern part of Nepal. Arun river is 300meters, between two High mountains Makalu (8463m) and Kanchenjunga (8586m).The Arun Valley is lush, green oasis, rich in bird life and these first few days provide a fascinating contrast to high mountain escape as we approach in to the Arun, Hinku Valley and Mera Peak. Our trekking route to the Mera-La will take us through thick rhododendron and bamboo forest separating Hinku valleys. On the trail to Panch Pokhari will come across a beautiful Sherpa Village and Kirong La Buddhist Monastery.

The views of mountain along this section are superb and beautiful. Towards the east we can see the Kanchenjunga and Jannu Himal, to the north; the views of Hinku and Hongu dominate. The trail continues to Tag nag (4400m) from here we move to Khare (4940m) where we establish the base camp at the foot of the glacier leading to Mera-La (5415m). Here we have some of days to rest for explore around and acclimatization. Our return trails will take us south, down to the Hinku Drangka before turning west to cross the Zattrawa-La to the mountain airstrip. After the great adventurous time our journey heads back to Lukla for the sweeping flight to Kathmandu, back to Kathmandu after the achievement of a life time experience to Mera Peak climb from the lowlands of Arun Valley with Nature Trail Travels & Tours, Trekking & Expedition.

Trip Itinerary

Arrive in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. Meet your trekking guide at the airport and transfer to your hotel. Spend the day exploring the vibrant streets of Kathmandu and preparing for the trek. Overnight stay in Kathmandu.


Max. altitude

1,380m / 4,528 ft.





Embark on a full day of sightseeing in Kathmandu.

Visit the iconic UNESCO World Heritage Site, Kathmandu Durbar Square, and explore its palaces, temples, and courtyards.

Continue to Swayambhunath Stupa, also known as the Monkey Temple, and enjoy panoramic views of the city.

Visit Boudhanath Stupa, one of the largest stupas in the world and a significant Buddhist pilgrimage site.

Explore the vibrant streets of Thamel, known for its shops, restaurants, and bustling atmosphere.

In the afternoon, you will have free time to make any last-minute preparations and purchase any necessary gear for the climb.


Max. altitude

1,380m / 4,528 ft.





We will be taken to the airport for one of the great flights of the Himalaya. If the sky is clear during our flight, we will get our first views of Everest and the region in which we will be climbing. The Twin Otter aircraft will take us to the hillside village of Lukla, which is the start of our trek to Mera. Here we will meet our camp staff and porters and set off straight away for our first camp at Puiyan.


Max. altitude

2,800m / 9,186 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

After breakfast cross the Puiyan Khola, then we turn off the main trade route coming up from the south and join an older route, which climbs steeply to the ridge-line overlooking the Khare Khola. Descending the other side of the ridge, we then contour along the hillside before climbing steadily up to the attractive farming and trading village of Pangkongma. Many expedition members have been welcomed by the villagers here, spending several pleasant hours warming themselves in front of an open fire in the enveloping and welcoming atmosphere of the local’s traditional Sherpa homes.


Max. altitude

2,850m / 9,350 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Today we climb the half hour or so to the Pan gum La (3175m/10410ft) and our gateway toward the Hinku Valley, and now start to head eastward and then in a northerly direction. Today is a solid descent to the Hinku River of at least 900 meters depending on which path we take, and then a climb up to our camp high on the other side near the Surke La. We are once again traveling through a mix of terraced slopes containing grain crops interspersed by undisturbed forests of the upper temperate zone; maples, rhododendrons and fir.


Max. altitude

2,600m / 8,530 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

After breakfast we climb up to the Source La (3085m/10118ft) we now follow the spine of the Surke Danda ridge northwards towards Mera and the Hinku and camp part way along at a yak herders clearing or Kharka. These next few days are far from teahouse and trekkers trails and should be some of the finest Himalayan wilderness trekking of the trip.


Max. altitude

3,600m / 11,811 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Continuing along the ridge, we climb higher and higher over knolls (lumps in the ridge) of 4000 meters and then 4500 meters. The terrain has now elevated well above the tree line and is grassy slopes and rocky outcrops and cliffs, where birds of prey may be seen flying overhead such as Griffon vulture, lammergeyer or eagles. We then descend to a camp set near a series of five lakes, Panch Pokhari, set beside the river of the Khola Kharka.


Max. altitude

4,200m / 13,780 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Our route now contours around many ridges on the eastern side of the Hinku, descending lower into forests of rhododendron. Near the valley floor we encounter the devastation caused by a natural damn at the head of the valley bursting in 1998. The valley has been destroyed, leaving boulders, dead trees and silt where once there were old growth forests and meadows. Our overnight is on a pleasant grassy patch, on the now much higher bank of the rocky riverbed.


Max. altitude

3,600m / 11,811 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Today we are now in the Hinku Valley proper, and cross over by way of a yak herder’s bridge and join the main trail. The first settlement we stay at the busy village of Kote, primarily servicing the trekking groups that come through for Mera. As a result of the tremendous washout of boulders and debris, the trail follows the riverbed mostly, a good trail among rounded stones and silt. We gain our first views of dramatic peaks of the valley; Kusum Kanguru to our left that stands directly before us. The path then weaves up on to the pastures on the left hand side and pleasant easy trails through to Tag nag. Today we also enjoy our first views of Mera, initially at the confluence of the Sanu Drangka above Kote, if the weather is clear we see the dramatic south face, and then on our final approach into Tag nag. We are now among mountains and starting to prepare for our climb.


Max. altitude

4,400m / 14,436 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Today we can experience an excellent valley opening out views to the north of the Hinku Nup glacier and the line of peaks beyond. Behind us is the dramatic spire of the less than romantically named ‘Peak 35’, which has yet to be climbed. Only the last section up to our base camp at Khare is steep and reminds us that we are gaining altitude. It’s a short climb and we are there in good time for lunch.


Max. altitude

4,940m / 16,207 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Today you will spend your time acclimatizing and practicing your climbing moves at the pre-climb training camp. Our Sherpa climbing guides will teach you how to properly use climbing equipment like jumar, carabiner, belay device, ice axe, harness, etc. They will teach you the basic and safe techniques to scale an incline using a rope and harness.

This training is valuable and helpful if you are a novice climber. A final gear and equipment check will be followed by final packing for the summit push.  Please keep in mind climbing boots of size 12 and greater are not readily available in Nepal. If your shoe size is 12 or 12 plus you need to bring it with you from your home country.

Over-night at a teahouse in Khare.


Max. altitude

4,950m / 16,240 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Take the steep and rocky path to Mera La. The three summits of Mera Peak – Mera North(6476m), Mera Central(6461m), and Mera South(6065m) – gleam invitingly. We will be climbing the summit of Mera Central. Crossing the Mera glacier we reach Mera Peak high camp. It is an easy hike up a slope with no technical climbing involved.

On reaching Mera High Camp, the crew serves us hot drinks. Enjoy views of five of the fourteen highest peaks in the world- Mount Everest (8848m), Lhotse (8516m), Makalu(8485m), Cho Oyu(8188m), and Kanchenjunga (8586m). Chamlang (7319m), Gaurishanker (7134m), and Baruntse (7129m) also appear close. A single sleeping tent will be given to each climber. Food will be prepared by the local crew in a kitchen tent.


Max. altitude

5,780m / 18,963 ft.




Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

At 2 AM we prepare for the final summit push. After breakfast, we head out and rope up. A man-rope will secure our group. Hike up the glacier in a single file. No technical climbing is required in this section. The thin air and cold are the only factors that make the ascent difficult. Above 5000 meters we struggle to breathe properly and taking a step forward takes a lot of effort.

The last 40-50 meters to the summit is the most challenging portion. It is a steep incline and fixed rope and jumars are used to climb to the summit. By 9 or 10 AM we reach the summit. Amazing views of Mount Everest (8848m), Makalu (8481m), Kanchenjunga (8586m), Cho Oyu (8201m), Lhotse(8516m), and other peaks surround us.

After spending 5 or 10 minutes savoring the victory and taking pictures we head down via the same route. We reach Mera High Camp have some refreshment.  Later we hike down to make a quick descent to Mera – la. Then, we head east. Taking a downward trail we reach Kongma Dingma where we rest for the night.

Over-night at a tented camp in Kongma Dingma.


Max. altitude

6,461m / 21,198 ft.




Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

An extra day to rewind, relax and recharge your energy for the crossing of Amphu Lapcha.


Max. altitude

4,850m / 15,912 ft.




Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast
Leaving Kongma Dingma we walk past yak pastures and summer camps of yak herders. We proceed towards Seto Pokhari enjoying captivating views of Baruntse and Chamlang Himal.

Max. altitude

5,035m / 16,519 ft.




Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Climbing up a snowy moraine we reach the beautiful Seto Pokhari, a glacial lake. Head to Amphu Lapcha Base Camp enjoying views of Mount Everest and lakes along the Hongu basin. A walk past the Hongu Pokhari above the Hongu valley brings us finally to the Amphu Lapcha Base Camp.


Max. altitude

5,650m / 18,537 ft.




Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

 After walking for about 4 to 5 hours you arrive at the pass. The pass looks stunning but daunting. Covered with ice shelves and serac cliffs, it is a steep incline and you use fixed rope, jumar, and ice axe to ascend the pass. This is one of the most difficult sections of your trip. The top is a narrow ridge filled with rocks. You get down using a fixed rope again. A walk through the Imja Glacier brings you to the Imja Tsho Lake in the Imja Valley. From here we walk through the  rocky moraine and head to chhukung .


Max. altitude

5,845m / 19,177 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast
After the hard couple of days over the two high hidden pass in between the massif peaks, our route from here leads to a pleasant walk on the downhill slope to Dingboche then Pangboche village. After two hours of easy walk brings us at Dingboche village. Dingboche is a beautiful patchwork of field enclosed by stone walls, protecting the crops of barley, buckwheat and potatoes from the cold winds and grazing animals. Dingboche has about more than ten teahouses and it is also the gateway to Chhukung and farther beyond for the most challenging traverses towards Makalu area and Hinko Valley. From Dingboche a gentle walk leads towards the Imjatse River with excellent views of Ama Dablam, Kangtenga and Tawoche peaks the trail leads to a small wooden bridge, from the bridge an easy walk to Pangboche village. Staying at over night here or option for heading to Tyangbuche.

Max. altitude

3,985m / 13,074 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Cross the Chukkung glacier and walk down to the Dudh Koshi River valley. Walk past Dingboche and descend to the Imja Khola(river). After crossing the river an upward trail brings you to the Sherpa village of Pangboche.

Leaving Pangboche you climb down a path filled with amazing alpine scenery and views of Ama Dablam. Cross the village of Debuche and arrive at the small settlement of Tengboche. Spend some time exploring the village and visit the magnificent Tengboche Monastery. This is the oldest and the most important monastery in the Khumbu Region. Later take the trail to Namche. After you arrive in Namche you can enjoy a hot shower and a good meal of your choice.


Max. altitude

3,440m / 11,286 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Crossing the metal bridges covered with prayer flags and pine forests you descend to Lukla. Walk past the village of Monjo and the gate of the Sagarmatha National Park. An easy descent via the village of Phakding brings you once again to Lukla. Celebrations follow and you spend a joyous evening with the local crew celebrating your achievement.


Max. altitude

2,860m / 9,383 ft.


Hotel / Lodge


Lunch , Dinner , Breakfast

Bid goodbye to the mountains and fly to Kathmandu. Once you reach Kathmandu, check-in at your hotel and take a rest. Evening or late afternoon you can explore Thamel by yourself and shop for souvenirs.


Max. altitude

1,860m / 6,102 ft.



We will drop you at the international airport well on time (3 hours before departure) to catch your flight. If you wish to explore more of the Himalayas do get in touch with us. We will be more than happy to organize a trip for you.

Not satisfied with this itinerary? Make your own.
Plan My Trip


    •  Transfer from Airport – Hotel – Airport: Car, Van, Hi-ace or Coaster in a private vehicles
    • 3 Nights, 3***hotel accommodation in Kathmandu with Bed and Breakfast (Twin Sharing Base).
    • 14 Nights, accommodation in Lodge twin sharing bed basis during Trekking.
    • 5 Nights, accommodation in Camping twin sharing bed basis during Trekking and Climbing session.
    • All standard meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) with cup of hot drinks during the trekking period
    •  Necessary camping staffs, all Camping Equipment, sleeping tents/mattresses, kitchen tent, kitchen equipment.
    •  All standard meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) Boiled water, Tea and Coffee during the climbing period
    •  English speaking experienced and certified Sherpa Guide (Govt. Trained/License Holder)
    •  One Sherpa guide-assistant if group size is more than 4 Trekkers
    •  Porters: One porter for Two Trekkers basis in all of our Climbing Trips 
    •  Round-Trip airfare between Kathmandu and Lukla (Airport Tax Included) 
    •  Kathmandu – Lukla – Kathmandu Excess baggage fees.
    • First aid medicine kit
    • Climbing rope, Ice screws, Snow bar
    • Mera Peak Climbing Permit
    • Mera Peak Climbing certificates issued from the respective body of Nepal Government
    • Personal insurance for Nepalese staff
    • Makalu Barun  & Sagaramatha National park Fee, TIMS permits & all required permits.
    • Khumbu rural Municipality entrance fee.
    •  All government and local taxes.
    •  Energy Supplies Snickers, Mars, Bounty etc·     

Doesn't Include

    •  Your Personal Travel Insurance.
    •   Nepal Entry Visa Fee.
    •   Lunch & Dinner in cities - allow $ 10 to 14 for per meal in Tourist restaurants.
    •   Beverages ( Soft drinks, mineral water, boiled water and alcoholic beverages).
    •  Tips for guide, porters and driver (customary).
    •  Any personal expenses not mentioned in above services.   
Why Book with Nature Trail
  • Earn US$ 25+ in travel credits.
  • Excellent customer service. Our travel experts are ready to help you 24/7.
  • Best price guaranteed.
  • No credit card or booking fees.
  • 100% financial protection. 
  • Carbon neutral tours.
  • 500+ trip reviews, with an average rating of 4.8 out of 5

Equipment List

Personal Climbing  Gear:

Climbing boot, Crampons, Ice axe, harness, Ice Climbing Helmet , Jummers, Karabiners, Finger eight/ATC guide, Tap sling, -(25f / - 30C) Sleeping Bag , Down Jacket , Sunglasses , Sun cream,  etc.

Trekking Gear;

·       Duffel Bag

·       Day Pack (35-45 L)

·       Sleeping Bag (-20F/-30C recommended)

·       Trekking Boots

·       Crocs (evenings & washing)

·       Trekking Pants (2-3)

·       T-Shirts (3)

·       Long-sleeve Trekking Shirts (2-3)

·       Trekking Jacket

·       Gortex (or similar) Jacket & Pants

·       Fleece or Thermal Top (evenings)

·       Fleece or Thermal Bottoms (evenings)

·       Lightweight Long Underwear (to sleep in or layer under clothes)

·       Socks (5)

·       Gloves (lighter & heavier for passes)

·       Wool Hat

·       Baseball Cap or Wide-brimmed Hat

·       Camp Towel

·       Trekking Poles (optional, recommended)

·       Down Booties (optional, recommended)

·       Sunglasses (2)

·       Water Bottles | Nalgenes (2-3)

·       Bladder (optional, recommended)

·       Toiletries, Sunscreen with SPF, Lip Balm with SPF

·       Watch (with alarm)

·       Extra Batteries

·       Battery Chargers

·       Head Lamp 

·       Yak Trax (for treks with icy passes)

·       Water Purifying Tablets, Small Water Filter or Steripen

·       Camp Washing Bowl (optional, collapsible for clothes)

·       Laundry Detergent (Kathmandu) or Bio-degradable Clothes Soap

·       Hand Sanitizer

·       Small Solar Panel (optional, recommended for iPods, iPhones, camera batteries, Kindles)

·       Book(s)

·       Zip-Lock | Plastic Bags

·       Soft Toilet Paper | Tissues (we supply toilet paper but you will want something softer for blowing your nose)

·       Baby-Wipes | Wet-Wipes (for personal cleaning)

·       Handi-Wipes, J-Cloth, or Chux (optional: easy for a quick daytime clean, fast drying)

·       Rehydration | Electrolytes

·       Snacks!

·       Personal Medical Supplies

·       Snacks, chocolate bars, energy bars (Western brands), dried fruit & nuts

·       Laundry Detergent

·       Lemon Tang (for water if you want)

·       Batteries

·       Trekking Poles

·       Micro Spikes


 Medical Supplies;

·       We strongly suggest bringing Western meds with you as there are a lot of Indian fakes on the market!

·       Suggested: Diamox, Azithromycin, Ciprofloxacin, Tinidazole, or Flagyl & Augmentin. Bring COMPEED for covering blisters & good tasting electrolytes &/or rehydration salts (Emergen-C is a good American brand). The local versions aren’t very appealing.

·       We also recommend bringing strong knee & ankle supports & braces, ACE bandages for sprains & strains, Tegaderm &/or other would coverings. Duct tape is always useful. We’re happy to take excess medical supplies off your hands when you leave if you won’t need them and pass them on to others. We use lots of the large amount we have with us to treat locals we meet when trekking.:

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