Nature Trail
Bird Watching Tour

Bird Watching Tour

Nepal is blessed with a vast array of exceptionally rich bird life with a total of over 850 species recorded. A diverse topography and climate have resulted in a variety of habitats within the country, which are home to over 8% of the world’s total bird population. Nepal is a paradise for the birdwatcher. From the lowland jungle of the Terrai and the Koshi Tappu barrage through dense rhododendron and Oak forest of the middle hills to the windswept plateaus of the high Himalayas. There is always something to keep one twitching.

Birdwatching in Nepal is a popular and rewarding activity due to the country's incredible biodiversity and diverse landscapes, which range from the lowland Terai jungles to the high Himalayan mountains. 

Here are some key aspects to consider for a birdwatching trip in Nepal:

Best Time to Go:

The best time for birdwatching in Nepal is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons when the weather is pleasant, and the birds are active. Many migratory birds can be spotted during these times.

Birding Hotspots:

Chitwan National Park: Known for its diverse birdlife, including hornbills, Bengal florican, and raptors.

Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve: Ideal for wetland bird species like cranes, storks, and waterfowl.

Annapurna Conservation Area: Offers a mix of forest and high-altitude species.

Langtang Valley: Features Himalayan species and beautiful alpine landscapes.

Local Guides:

Nature Trail provides an experienced local birding guide. Our guides know the best birding spots, can identify local species, and enhance your overall experience. At Nature Trail, we offer the best birding guides in Nepal.


Bring essential birdwatching gear, such as binoculars, a field guidebook, a spotting scope (if possible), and a good quality camera with a telephoto lens if you want to capture bird photos. If you are a day trip, you could also hire some equipment from us as well.


Wear earth-toned, comfortable clothing to blend into the environment and protect against insects. Layering is essential for changing altitudes. 

Respect the Environment:

Maintain a respectful distance from birds to avoid disturbing them, and never approach nesting sites.

Follow Leave No Trace principles and respect the local flora and fauna.


We know where are the birds and based on that Nature Trail choose your accommodations that cater to birdwatchers, such as lodges or eco-resorts in or near birding hotspots. Do not hesitate to contact us for more details and discussion. Call us or email us. Our expert will help you and guide you accordingly.

Joining Tours:

Consider joining organized birdwatching tours in Nepal. We do have lots of fixed birding tours and even lots of local tour operators send us booking with us. So, you can enjoy group birding tours with us however we always suggest individual or private birding tours in order to enjoy more birding. We specialize in birding and can arrange everything for you, including transportation, accommodation, and expert guides.

Conservation Efforts:

Nature Trail always puts effort and supporting local conservation by visiting bird sanctuaries and contributing to our programs.


Keep a birdwatching checklist to record the species you've spotted during your trip. This can be a valuable keepsake.

Nature Trail Travel offers birdwatching enthusiasts the opportunity to spot a wide range of species, from colorful Himalayan birds to rare migratory visitors. Whether you're an experienced birder or a beginner, Nepal's natural beauty and avian diversity make it an exciting destination for birdwatching. Please contact us!


Bishnu Subedi

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